Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bill C-311 and the Copenhagen Summit

The global stage is coming, will Canada be prepared? December is the month in which the nations of the world gather to discuss and debate the changes needed to combat climate change. Right now, Canada has no plan. Nothing. Not a single idea in the country on what to do, because of successive Conservative and Liberal governments who don’t care or who pay lip service to this increasingly global issue. There is one bill trying to pass its way through the halls of Parliament though, and its the private member’s bill C-311, sponsored by Jack Layton and the NDP. Bill C-311, otherwise known as the Climate Accountability Act, has already been through the Parliamentary system, save for Royal assent that was withheld before the last election, forcing it back to first reading. Now that there’s a need for the bill and for Canada to show leadership on the world stage, the Liberals and Conservatives are doing everything in their power to stall the bill and prevent Canada from having a chance to act in a responsible, coherant manner in Copenhagen. This is unacceptable. The two supposedly national parties are using the earth and environment as a political tool to try and boost their poll numbers, while Canadians from across the political spectrum are calling for action. Call your MP and your party leaders, its time for Canadians to come together and show that when it comes to protecting the world we live in, political games aren’t acceptable, and to expedite the passage of C-311.

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